Sunday, November 21, 2010

365/326: Full Moon Rising

This was so awesome tonight- The sun was just going down and the moon peeked out from behind a cloud so low that I could capture it with the tree in the shot. Love how the camera focused on the branches - this was a tree all the way across the street in a neighbors yard!

Posted via email from Jenith's 365 in 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

365/325: Clouds on a Rainy Day

I love the contrast of the wires against the puffy clouds in this shot- and yes I am a bit infatuated with clouds if you hadn't noticed....

Posted via email from Jenith's 365 in 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

365/320: Shoot the Moon

Seriously- check out the crators on the moon- that is SO cool- and the trying different shots on the moon.

Posted via email from Jenith's 365 in 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010

365/319: A Run with A View

Sometimes I forget how lucky I am to live in this beautiful place- this is one of the views from my morning run! Great way to start the day!

Posted via email from Jenith's 365 in 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

365/313: Clouds on the 405

I know I already posted this earlier but it is so cool I had to use it as my pic of the day....I swear i took this picture today and not back in 1970 although it does have that kinda look....and yes- I was pulled over ....:)

Posted via email from Jenith's 365 in 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010

365/312: Sunday Morning

Today’s Daily Shoot assignment: Sometimes what’s out of focus can make the shot. Create a photograph today where some/all of your subject isn't in focus.

Posted via email from Jenith's 365 in 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

365/311: Finally Feeling Like Fall

But it is almost WInter...Usually the backyard is covered with leaves but I can only find a small pile today-

Posted via email from Jenith's 365 in 2010